World Children’s Day

The image, which covers 11,000 square metres and is 110m long symbolises UNICEF’s warning that globally, due to the pandemic, an additional 6,000 child deaths* could occur every day as a result of weak health systems and disruptions to routine services.
Sand In Your Eye got support from Unicef UK to help highlight the damaging effects Covid 19 could have on a whole generation of children. Rebecca Dallison, Head of Campaigns, UNICEF UK says:
“The pandemic is the most urgent global crisis affecting children’s lives in living memory. Around the world and here in the UK, children’s support systems have been ripped away, their borders closed, their education and access to routine health care disrupted and their food supply cut off.
“This art installation draws attention to the worst-case scenario for ‘generation COVID’. But this nightmare can be averted if urgent action is taken. The UK Government can take leadership in delivering those solutions by placing children at the center of its recovery plan – both at home and abroad.”
The art piece was made following government guidelines. Quote taken from Sand In Your Eye social media.

The story reached the national press including ITV news, National Geographic Kids, The Daily Telegraph & The Yorkshire Post